Foodies Unite!

Take the 30 Day Keto Challenge!


We love it.

If you aren’t enjoying your meals, you may be doing it wrong!

Life is too short to eat tasteless, uninspired foods. This planet has way too many great, exciting plants and animals that we can make into a meal that wakes up your senses while making you feel alive!

The trick is to find out which food style is right for you. Do you want to eat high fat, low carb? Keto is the choice for you. Want plant based? Vegan is the way to go. Gourmet Mignon tries to cover all the bases for you!

Some of our recommendations are free, while others may cost you some money, but you will get access to some of the top experts in the field (we may get commissions in some cases). If you have recipes you would like to share with our readers? Be sure to let us know using the contact form.

I hear the dinner bell ringing…

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Delicious Tuna or Chicken Breast Salad
Healthy Lunch Ideas

Tuna or Chicken Salad